May 12-25, Wells BC — Island Mountain Arts
IMA Gallery: 2323 Pooley St. Wells BC
Artist Facilitator: Liz Toohey-Wiese
Participating Artists:
Programming/Guest Artists
Rachel Rozanski - Exhibiting Artist at IMA
Peter Corbitt- Wells Community Artist
Community Connections
Programming Supported by:
BC Arts Council
The Province of British Columbia
Wells-Barkerville Community Forest
Readings (suggested/optional to complete before arrival!)
Excerpt from “Virtual Clearcut” by Brian Fawcett
(describes Fawcett’s trip to the Bowron Clearcut. The Bowron Valley’s pine beetle infestation in the 1990’s triggered logging companies to move quickly into the area, creating “the largest contiguous clearcut, visible from space” at that time. Wells is situated next to the Bowron Valley.)
Episode from Westland “The Biggest Clearcut”
Watch online through the UBC Archives
Excerpt from “The Fraser” by Bruce Hutchison
(chapter on the Cariboo road, and the beginnings of the gold rush that happened in Barkerville, which is a 10 minute drive from Wells. Please note: this book was published in the 1950’s and the publishers have decided to keep true to the original text, with problematic language intact. Read with care!)
“Meditations on Significance When There’s Gold Underfoot”
Essay by Jasper Wrinch
(Jasper came as an artist-in-residence to Wells two summers ago, and wrote this essay in response to the BC Environmental Assessment Certificate given to Osisko Mines, adjacent to Wells. At the bottom of the essay you will find a link to the certificate.)
Osisko Mines - Cariboo Gold Project
(official site for Osisko Mines, and projects in the area)
Excerpt from Uncommon Ground - “Are you an environmentalist or do you work for a living?” by Richard White